Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Iced Almond Cafe Latte

Hey, when you're off the beaten path, and there's no Starbucks anywhere, you have to improvise.  This is another lakehouse favorite and they are delicious.  Audrey's friend Kassie dubbed them "better than Dunkin."  High praise.

On Saint Patrick's Day, add a shot of Bailey's Irish Cream to each glass.  Sláinte!

Iced Almond Cafe Latte

6 cups strong coffee
2 heaping teaspoons sugar
1 cup half & half
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon pure almond extract

Pour strong brewed coffee into a pitcher.  While it is still warm, stir in sugar until it dissolves.  Let cool completely, then add cream, milk and almond extract.  Pour into glasses of ice.

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