Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kickin Kale

"Kale is my best friend.  I eat Kale salad.  I put it in my smoothies, kale in my soup.  Kale, kale, kale! I feel like Popeye. I love it!"
~Alanis Morrissette (explaining her kale obsession to Runner's World)
I  know, I know....a big pile of green stuff doesn't photograph as well as say, a cupcake, but HEY!...we got excited about these greens, therefore they qualify for a post.  Besides, they're incredibly good for you and are perfect this time of year when garden fresh veggies are but a faint memory.  We went crazy for them.  After our first experience last week, they were so good we had to have them again, asap.

In our market they sell big bags of pre-washed and chopped kale and collard greens which make it really easy.  I bought the big bag of kale with the thought of making kale chips, but when it was evident that wasn't going to happen, I looked up a recipe to cook them.  Not discovering anything appealing, I decided to cook them like good 'ole southern collard greens.  That means long and slow, and with bacon!  I found the recipe on Allrecipes.com.  The original recipe, although delicious, was WAY too salty, so I've adjusted it.  The huge one pound bag cooks down much more than you would imagine.  I was shocked that the Mister and I polished it all off by ourselves. By the way, just a little tip;  they go great with garlicky mashed potatoes and any hearty meat, and if that meat has gravy, EVEN BETTER!

Kickin Kale
Inspired by a recipe for collard greens found on Allrecipes.com

1 tablespoon olive
3 slices bacon
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt  (taste towards end of cooking, and add more if needed)
1 teaspoon pepper
3 cups chicken broth
1 pinch red pepper flakes
1 pound fresh kale, washed and chopped into 2-inch pieces

Heat oil in a large pot over med-high heat.  Add bacon and cook until crisp.  Remove bacon, crumble and return to pan.  Add onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes.  Add garlic and stir around just until fragrant, about 1 minute.  Add kale and cook until it starts to wilt.
Pour in chicken broth, and add salt, pepper and pepper flakes.  Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 45-55 minutes until broth is mostly boiled off and greens are tender.  ENJOY!


  1. I still have kale growing in my garden! We love it too! I love to fry some up, throw in some scrambled eggs...some cheese...and you have a wonderful omelet!

  2. @Kathy: Great idea! I still have some in the fridge. Think I'll try that omelet tomorrow. Thanks, Kathy!

  3. I've only had southern collard greens while spending time down south & loved them. This recipe is such a reminder of that & being how healthy it is I HAVE to make this delicious recipe. You're great at keeping all of us content with wonderful variety.

  4. @Bonnie: Let me know how you like it! Thanks Bonnie...love to see you here!

  5. When we moved to Singapore I heard of Kale and have been eating it ever since :) Have a great day!

  6. I have had kale in soup and I have had kale 'chips' but I have never had it cooked like this. It sounds so good with the bacon!

  7. @Richard: Great...thanks!

    @Kristen: Thanks, I bet you would like it!

  8. I discovered so many wonderful recipes that use Kale last year but I'll be darned if I know which folder they are in, UG Glad to have this reminder. Actually, my very best favorite way to enjoy Kale.

    Thanks for sharing...

  9. Margaret, I wanted you to know, I'm passing on the Liebster Blog Award to you. You can pick it up at my blog. Have a great week!

  10. Thanks Kathy...that was very sweet of you! I checked it out and am honored that you thought of me. Now I have to think about my top 5 ;-).

  11. I am a Southern "girl", and grew up eating collards and turnip greens. I must confess that I have never cooked or eaten Kale...so I have to try this. I love your blog. I am a new follower! Patsy

  12. @Patsy: I hope you like them! Glad you found your way here!


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