Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pistachio Cookies

"You must crack the nuts before you can eat the kernel"
~Irish Proverb
I'm excited to share these quick and delicious treats with you!  For the return you get on these cookies in the form of joyous appreciation, their ease of preparation is truly criminal.  From start to finish you can have the entire batch baked and cleaned up in half an hour.  Not kidding.  But when your family and friends taste them and then proceed to inhale them, you may want to double your efforts so you actually have some left for your Christmas cookie tray!

About 6 years ago, in a bout of crazed organization, I decided to type up my mess of a lifetime of collected recipe cards and clippings into a binder.  But last year, when I wanted to make these cookies, I couldn't find the recipe.  Probably because it was under B, for Best Ever, instead of P for Pistachio.  So much for being organized :-/.  Unfortunately, I've had this recipe so long I have no recollection of where it originated.  Over the years, a little tweaking has improved them with the addition of toasted nuts, green food color and almond extract.  Soft and chewy with that adored pistachio ice cream flavor, they are sure to please.  I hope you get a chance to try them.  And if you have an extra minute or two, check out this virtual cookie swap at The Farmer's Wife:

Best Ever Pistachio Cookies
Makes about 30 cookies

1 box white cake mix
1 box instant pistachio pudding mix
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup nuts (almond or pistachio), toasted and roughly chopped 
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
6 drops green food coloring.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Place first four ingredients into a large bowl.  In a small bowl, stir together the remaining ingredients. Pour contents of the small bowl into the large bowl and stir together until combined. Batter will be stiff.  Drop tablespoons size dollops of dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet about 1 1/2 inches apart.  Bake for 11-12 minutes, until lightly browned.


  1. I have never made cookies with pistachios, not sure why because I do like pistachios. Your cookies here are so colorful and fluffy, I think I have been missing out. Thanks for scouring through all your recipes to get to these gems so you can post. I want to try these-yum!

  2. I LOVE pistachios! Must try this in the near future. Have an amazing day! :)

  3. @Tina: The funny thing about most "pistachio" baked goods is that really are almond flavored...just like pistachio ice cream and pistachio pudding. BUT...they're so darn cute and tasty, who cares?!

    @Arbine: Great! You won't be disappointed :-)

  4. Sounds delish! I love the idea of using the pistachio pudding mix in a cookie. Will have to try it :)

  5. @Valerie: Great! let me know how you like them.

  6. I have had pistachio pudding in a cake but never cookies. Those sound delightful!!

  7. My husband is a Pistachio freak! He would love these cookies!! Might just have to find a way to add them to my Holiday baking list.

  8. Bob loves pistachios so this is a must try for me. The cookies sound delicious and they are easy to do. That's a home run in my book :-). I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  9. @Erin & @Mary: My husband loves pistachio's too...especially the ice cream! He adored these cookies. Thanks so much for coming by, and have a great weekend!!

  10. I LOVE pistachio cookies, and this recipe looks much easier . Im Making these for SURE! Thanks for another awesome post

  11. @Athena: Thanks! I'm glad you're going to try them...let me know what you think!

  12. I have had these cookies many times during the mom makes them.


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